英雄联盟旧版排位音乐(英雄联盟旧版排位音乐叫什么) 2025-01-04 16:04:06 0 0 英雄联盟怎么换旧版界面,和旧版匹配排位背景音乐? 换不了旧版界面的,其他的修改软件是被禁止的,用了被发现会被封号 wwe奥顿旧版出场音乐是什么歌? 奥顿: 音乐名称:Voices 演唱者:Rev Theory 歌词: I hear voices in my head They council me, they understand They talk to me. You got your rules and your religion, all designed to keep you safe. But when rules start getting broken you start questioning your faith. I have a voice that is my savior, hates to love and loves to hate. I have the voice that has the knowledge and the power to rule your fate. I hear voices crying I see heroes dying I taste blood thats drying I feel tension rising. I hear voices in my head They council me, they understand They talk to me, they talk to me. They tell me things that I will do They show me things I'll do to you. They talk to me, they talk to me... All the lawyers are defenseless, All the doctors are disease, And the preachers all are sinners And police just take the grease. All you judges you are guilty, All the bosses I will fire, All you bankers will have losses Politicians are all liars. I see darkness falling I hear voices calling I feel justice crawling I hear voices in my head They council me, they understand They talk to me, they talk to me. They tell me things that I will do They show me things I'll do to you. They talk to me, they talk to me... I hear voices crying I see heroes dying I taste blood thats drying I feel tension rising. I hear voices in my head They council me, they understand They talk to me, they talk to me. They tell me things that I will do They show me things I'll do to you. They talk to me, they talk to me... 求旧版红楼梦歌曲? 枉凝眉》《红豆曲》《葬花吟》《好了歌》《晴雯歌》《分骨肉》《聪明累》《秋窗风雨夕》《题帕三绝》《叹香菱》 老版荷东的全部歌曲? 《Brother Louie SHY》、《LIKE AN ANGEL》、《Chang - NEW LIFE》、《COLDER THAN ICE》Lian Ross的很多经典舞曲甚至一度成为那个年代衡量舞厅优劣的标准。 你好!我想要QQ三国老版和新版也就是更新前和更新后的所有背景音乐。谢谢了? 这个很简单,游戏安装目录里有个MUSIC文件夹,所有的老版新版音乐都在里面 收藏(0)